Odisha LAccMI Scheme: Objectives, Features & Benefits

Odisha LAccMI Scheme
Odisha LAccMI Scheme

The Odisha government has embarked on an ambitious initiative to transform rural transportation with the launch of the Location Accessible Multimodal Initiative (LAccMI) Scheme. This comprehensive plan aims to bolster connectivity and provide seamless transportation options across rural districts of the state, prioritizing affordability, accessibility, and safety. Here, we delve into the various facets of the scheme, outlining its objectives, features, and the multitude of benefits it promises to deliver.

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Odisha LAccMI Scheme 2024: An Overview

The Location Accessible Multimodal Initiative, aptly abbreviated as LAccMI, was officially launched on July 4, 2023, by the Odisha government. Spearheaded by the Commerce and Transport Department, LAccMI addresses critical gaps in the rural transportation network, ensuring that even the most remote areas are not left isolated. This scheme is part of a broader effort by the government to enhance the quality of life in rural regions by making transportation both accessible and reliable.

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Location Accessible Multimodal Initiative Scheme Details in Highlights

  • Name of the Scheme: Location Accessible Multimodal Initiative (LAccMI) Scheme
  • Initiated by: Odisha government
  • Launching Date: August 15, 2023
  • Primary Objective: To improve rural transportation and connectivity

Objectives of Odisha LAccMI Scheme 2024

The LAccMI Scheme is not just about transportation; it’s about integrating various aspects of mobility to create a cohesive network. The primary objectives include:

  • Enhancing Intra-block and Intra-district Connectivity: Initially focusing on improving transportation within blocks and districts, with plans to extend these services to inter-city operations.
  • Long-term Vision: The scheme is designed with a ten-year operational blueprint, ensuring sustained impact on rural mobility.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: With a budget allocation of Rs 7,202 crore for multiple programs under this initiative, LAccMI alone has secured Rs 100 crore to kickstart its activities.

Features of LAccMI Scheme Odisha 2024

The LAccMI Scheme is distinguished by several innovative features aimed at redefining rural transport:

  • Phased Implementation: Starting with six tribally dominant and less accessible districts, the scheme prioritizes areas with the most acute need for better transport solutions.
  • Mo Bus Services: These buses will serve as the backbone of rural connectivity, linking panchayats to district headquarters and facilitating smoother intra-district travel.
  • Comprehensive Planning: Each gram panchayat will have a detailed connectivity architecture developed, ensuring that no area is overlooked.

Benefits of Odisha LAccMI Scheme 2024

The benefits of the LAccMI Scheme are extensive, addressing both immediate transportation needs and longer-term economic and social impacts:

  • Enhanced Public Transportation Network: By supplementing the existing bus services operated by OSRTC and integrating them with new routes, the scheme ensures wider coverage and better frequency of buses.
  • Integration with Biju Gaon Gadi Yojana: This integration promises a seamless operation that focuses on last-mile connectivity, crucial for rural inhabitants.
  • Emergency Medical Services: Expansion of helicopter emergency medical services to transport trauma victims within the critical ‘golden hour’ significantly enhances the chances of survival in accidents.

As the LAccMI Scheme rolls out, its impact on rural Odisha will be closely watched. By addressing the critical need for robust transportation infrastructure, the Odisha government not only enhances the mobility of its rural populace but also sets a precedent for rural development initiatives nationwide.

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